Thursday, October 22, 2009

Atlas Sound/Broadcast Show

I went to see Atlas Sound and Broadcast last night as a part of the CMJ music tour at the Williamsburg Music Hall. Broadcast had some beautiful and bizarre video screen imagery to go along with their haunting music. I tried to give you an impression of what it's like by including the vid of their more recent work with Focus Group. I just wished they had played some of their more sweet melodies... 

Not being a huge fan of Atlas Sound, I was surprised to leave wanting to hear more of the new album. I take it back, Cox is a genius and he was so endearingly strange as he confessed to the audience that he was totally at a loss what to do with the show after his acoustic guitar's string broke and he started posing for a photo montage of his own creation. His encore, an improvised version of Logos on the electric guitar, was stunning. Sounds silly, but I love it when music takes me away from my day to day worries for a short while.


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photo: brooklynvegan

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